Me and my heavy heart
We are good friends
I start screaming; she justifies me
I say I’ll hate you; she says forever.
An ex-boyfriend gets cheated on;
she’ll whisper, They deserve it
Me and my heavy heart
We’re two peas in a pod
I take her to school, to work, then home
She was with me yesterday,
and she is with me now
I like music and laughter
She likes revenge and wining arguments
We are good friends
Me and my labyrinth mind
We are quite different
I complain about a big assignment;
she reminds me of the week I had to do it
I curse someone for bumping me in the halls;
she says there’s 4,000 other children
I say I wish my dad died instead of my mom;
she says nothing
Me and my labyrinth mind
We are like night and day
I like ASMR videos and binging the twilight franchise
She likes spelling bees and academic praise
We are quite different
Why are you so strange? I ask her
I yell, war! You say, why?
She tells me she is broken
She tells me that I am forever stuck in time
Forever resenting
Forever holding others to the impossible standards
that I hold for myself.
And forever trying to justify my anger
rather than justify the mistakes of others
My heavy heart yells that she knows nothing
Who does she think she is?
We aren’t broken
They betrayed us
Me and my broken heart
We are complicated
I say divorce;
she says separation
I want forgiveness;
she says weakness
I curse her and call draining;
she smiles at me
Me and my broken heart
I want to go left, she goes right
I fight with her at school, at work, at home
I fought with her yesterday,
I’m fighting with her now
Inmates chained together
I want to go left, she goes right
Me and my broken heart
Ms. DiMartino • Mar 7, 2024 at 12:05 pm
How clever and smart and deeply touches my heart. Keep writing…it’s cathartic. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you.