Have you ever been so lazy that you failed to study for an exam? Did you just think you could cheat off of somebody’s test and magically pass? There will be no more of this!
Invisible ink will now be used on exams and tests so every child must study in order to receive a passing grade. Maybe it will even motivate some people to look over their class notes for a change, since they won’t be able to read another student’s answers.
Remember using UV markers as a child just for the fun of it? Now, they will be the replacement of regular pens and pencils to advance the way tests and exams are taken.
“Invisible ink sounds absurd to me,” said Illusion Smith, a sophomore. “Why should that even be a thing, for real?”
People can feel pressured to cheat on exams or tests because they are unprepared for them. Everyone wants to pass and get good grades but it’s not easy. If you want to achieve something, then you must be willing to go through the hard work.
“Wow, that would honestly be helpful because I work so hard and study countless hours,” said Dissapearlet James. “It wouldn’t be fair to have someone else simply copy off me.”
There are students who despise cheaters and will try and cover up their paper so no one can see their answers. These students have to worry about completing their test and guarding their responses, which can make them feel particularly stressed. Invisible ink will remove this hassle for students.
“It’s alright, I don’t cheat anyway,” said Vanish Williams. “I study for an hour and what I get on the test is what it is.”
Using invisible ink on exams will test people’s knowledge and how much they have really been focused on in class. Without the ability to cheat, students will be able to show what they do or don’t know.
“That would be a dream come true,” said Mrs. Faint, algebra 2 teacher. “I always see some wandering eyes when I give out a test. It would save me the trouble of having to say ‘keep your eyes on your own paper!’”
On exams that require bubble sheets, invisible ink is a quick and easy solution. But for essays where students need to write lengthy answers, it’s going to be an adjustment. Teachers might have trouble reading the ink, but they’ll be able to use a special black light to see the invisible ink and grade students’ work.
Sometimes at home, there are many distractions that can prevent a student from studying. Our cell phones are a huge one; the constant need to be watching TikToks, texting friends, or posting about our lives can prevent us from doing important schoolwork.
Now, students will have to make time to review their schoolwork. They will have nothing to fall back on except their own time management.
*This article is a satire and is not meant to be taken literally.*