Are you stressed out about schoolwork, exams, state-mandated tests, and report card comments? Play with some puppies!
Brentwood High School has made some changes to everyone’s schedules. The school has added mandatory puppy classes for students who deal with heavy stress due to homework overload.
The Brentwood High School principal said classes will begin on April 1. The high school has been working to add these classes since the outbreak of COVID to improve students’ mental health and wellness.
Some teachers are worried that dogs will be a big distraction to students. A major concern is that the teenagers will want to pet and play with dogs, rather than focus on their class content.
“They’ll only be paying attention to the dog instead of me!” said Mr. Woofers, parenting teacher.
The school paid $38,900 dollars for the therapy dogs. Teachers and students have no idea where this money came from.
The therapy dogs are always on the ground and rolling around. When they roam around the halls, they leave their fur everywhere and a wet dog smell.
“Did I forget to put deodorant on or do the dogs smell bad?” said Smee Lee, the student.
The therapy dogs help students, but some students do not want their help. Every second, you can hear someone sneezing because of their allergic reactions to dogs
“Ever since I’ve been around these dogs, my allergies have been spike-… achoo!” said Aller Gee, the student.
After a while of having the dogs in the building, the students have found that their shoelaces are torn up and when they leave their food unattended at the cafeteria, they come back to a clean empty plate.
*This article is a satire and is not meant to be taken literally.*