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Humans of Brentwood 2024

“Humans of New York” is a popular photoblog of candid portraits and interviews with strangers taken on the streets of New York City by photographer Brandon Stanton. Students in the Journalism in a Digital Society course conducted their own interviews and candid photographs to create the project, “Humans of Brentwood.” Their stories are below.
Humans of Brentwood 2024
SMSgt. Hanna, AFJROTC instructor 

By Alvin Amador

“Describe how you and your wife met each other. 

“My Cadets know our story. We first met in 10th grade when Ms. Hanna was the wrestling manager. She didn’t like me, but she put a challenge on me. She challenged me to win a wrestling match. Back in 10th grade, she knew I was a horrible wrestler. A group of us would go out if I won my match. However, if you want something bad enough, you’ll work hard to get it, so I pinned the guy. Towards the end of our senior year, we began to date, and the next 42 years is in the books.” 



Christian Osorio, senior

By Alvin Amador

“People need to start saving their quarters – every penny, every nickel, every dollar. I see a lot of people buy useless stuff and I don’t understand why they don’t use their time and money more wisely. Everyone needs to know that time is money and that you need to talk less than you listen.” 



Victoria Aguilar, senior 

By Natalie Amaya

“What makes you happy?” 

“We love to spend time together. FaceTiming makes me happy – the inside jokes, our little date.” 




Katherine Joya, senior

By Annmarie Bonilla

I work at Roberto Clemente, and I like it because I work as a lifeguard, and I spend the summer outside, and I have good coworkers.

Fabian Sanchez, senior

By Annmarie Bonilla

“I am feeling very social because I am just hanging out with my friends.”

Ms. Grauer, Dean

By Taina Bruno

“Dishonesty does make me sad.” 

“Even little white lies?” 

“Yeah. Every lie is a bad one.” 

“And so, what makes you happy?” 

“I really love helping others. Generosity is always a nice trait to have.” 


Mr. Rodriguez, Student Teacher

By Taina Bruno

“What makes you sad?” 

“Not being perfect.” 

“Not being perfect?” 

“Yeah. I have a crippling fear of failure.” 

“Like ‘Black Swan,’ but the teacher version?” 

“Yes! Exactly like that.” 

“Okay, so then I’m guessing being perfect is what makes you happy?” 

“I do enjoy being perfect, but I think making other people happy makes me happier. Especially if being perfect is what makes them happy.” 


Mrs. Kennedy, English teacher

By Danny Lainez

“What’s your ideal day?” 

 “Reading all day, not being bothered by anybody, just reading.” 

“No students?”

“NO ONE, not even my family. Keep everyone away from me!” 

Ms. Ryan, Sonderling librarian

By Danny Lainez

“What’s the worst choice you’ve seen a student make?” 

“The worst mistake I’ve seen a student make is to not graduate due to failing gym class.”

Astrid Lara, sophomore

By Marilyn Martinez

“Describe your parents.” 

She smiled, laughed and paused. 

“My parents are nice, strict, and fun to be around.”

Alexandra Banos, junior 

By Marilyn Martinez

“What is your biggest fear?” 

“My biggest fear is the ocean because you don’t know what is under there. My cousin once got stung by a jellyfish two or three years ago and it left a bruise which is still there today.” 


Carina Pineda, sophomore 

By Melissa Martinez

“What T.V. show are you obsessed with right now and why?” 

“The T.V. show I’m currently obsessed with right now is ‘911’ because it is about saving people and I like how you get to see not only the characters saving people in dangerous situations, but you see the characters grow together.” 



Isabella Reyes, sophomore

By Melissa Martinez

“Describe your favorite day.” 

“My favorite day was when my sister was born. I remember when my dad called me at 7 a.m. and broke the news to me. I couldn’t be more excited to become the older sister I always imagined I’d be.” 


Alex Artola, junior

By Brianna Rodriguez

“What piece of advice do you wish you were told sooner?” 

“To not trust everything that people say and to be my own person instead of following what everyone else wants me to do.” 

Ashley Gonzalez, junior

By Brianna Rodriguez

I asked her what she considered a perfect day. She responded, “A perfect day is being able to lay down the whole day while eating snacks and watching my favorite show, ‘Malcom in the Middle,’ with no distractions.”

Icela Velasquez Cabrera, senior

By Maham Siddiqi

“What is a T.V. show you’re currently watching right now?” 

“’Steven Universe’ but I really want to watch ‘Young Sheldon.’ I have watched some clips on TikTok, but I never watched the show.” 

“What are your thoughts on young Sheldon?” 

“It’s funny and very interesting to see how Sheldon grows into the person he is on the ‘Big Bang Theory.’” 

Cindy Euceda, senior

By Maham Siddiqi

“How did you meet your best friend?” 

“I met my best friend in 3rd grade. She needed a seat on the bus, so I let her sit next to me, but our friendship didn’t develop until the end of middle school. I wasn’t as extroverted, and I didn’t find myself sharing things with other people in life. In middle school, I met other people which ended up opening my shell.” 

Mr. Conroy, English teacher

By Madison Staunton

My mom is a very protective, very caring person. She’s anxious. My dad is very silly, very goofy, sometimes to the point she gets mad at him. 

Briana Villatoro, junior 
Briana Villatoro, junior 

By Yerlyn Umana

“Describe your siblings.” 

“My sister is self-motivated, selfless, sweet and hard-working.  My brother can be annoying, but he is the funniest one.” 


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