“The Last of Us” is an HBO Max show about an apocalyptic outbreak caused by a real-life fungus called Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. This fungus originally took over an ant’s body, but then adapted to take over a human body.
The main characters are Joel Miller and Ellie Williams. They both had their own lives but met during the apocalypse. Joel had a daughter named Sarah, but she died from a gunshot wound to her gut. Ellie was born during the apocalypse. Her mom, Anna Williams, fought a runner but was bitten before giving birth to Ellie. A close friend of Anna’s, Marlene Dandridge, promised to take care of Ellie and killed Anna before she turned into an infected.
The show takes place in Austin, Texas, the hometown of Joel and his daughter Sarah. At the start of season 1, both Joel and Sarah were attacked by countless infected people and tried to flee but couldn’t. A soldier caught them, and out of fear, shot at them both—but only hit Sarah.
The infection was first caused by the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. An ant got infected, but when it landed inside a flour machine, many flour products were contaminated and began infecting people, turning them into mindless zombies.
The Washington Liberation Front (WLF) and the Seraphites are at war throughout the first season. The Seraphites are a cult that believes their actions are right and follow God’s orders, but they appear psychotic and kill for fun. The WLF fights back, trying to help those who can’t help themselves.
Tommy and Joel parted ways during the apocalypse. Tommy, Joel’s younger brother, and Joel had an argument that led them to separate. Tommy found a new place in Jackson, Wyoming, where he created a small village for people in need and married a woman named Maria.
Ellie’s immunity is unknown, but there are theories. Some believe she is already infected with another type of cordyceps. Others think she can’t get infected because her mom was bitten while giving birth to her. Joel reveals that he believes there will never be a cure for the infection and that there are other immune people.
Season 2 begins five years in the future, in Jackson, Wyoming. Joel and Ellie haven’t been on good terms for these past years. Tune in to watch what happens in season 2 of The Last of Us, which premieres in April 2025.
If you like The Last of Us, you might also enjoy Chernobyl. Though they are made by different creators, both shows are directed by the same person. These two shows have a similar storyline, with an outbreak causing havoc and a lot of loss. While The Last of Us focuses on mindless infected, Chernobyl deals with the fallout of a nuclear disaster.