Have you ever thought beyond what the government, corporations, or news outlets tell you? Our world is full of wonder, mystery, and deep, dark secrets that we might not know about. There are many theories around the world about anything you can imagine. But we will be looking at theories revolving around inside jobs, satanic rituals, extraterrestrials and so much more.
# 1: Area 51
Area 51 is one of the areas that conspiracy theorists love, and for obvious reasons. Its secretive nature has led many to speculate about what goes on inside. The most popular theory is that the military base is used to test alien technology.
This conspiracy theory began all the way in 1947 when, according to the U.S. Air Force, they recovered debris that supposedly was a crashed alien spacecraft. This theory was further reinforced when a man named Robert Lazar came forward in 1989 with a story that he reverse-engineered alien technology. To this day, it is unknown what truly goes on at the mysterious military base.

# 2: CERN and the Hydron Collider
CERN is the European Council for Nuclear Research. The organization was founded by many of European countries such as France and Germany. The main research building is in Switzerland, and there is where the Hydron Collider is housed.
According to the article “Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Obsessed With CERN,” the Hydron Collider was built to understand how the universe works by studying the building blocks of all matter. But many people think otherwise. People theorize that the Hydron Collider can create black holes and open portals to alternate dimensions, or even the gates of hell.

# 3: The Bohemian Grove
Located in the Redwood forests of Northern California, there lies the camp called Bohemian Grove. The camp was started in 1872 by artists, actors, and musicians in San Francisco. The club would then start to include politicians and businesspeople such as Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.
The club’s secretive nature and number of wealthy people would stir up some questions as to what was going on over there. Many people theorize that satanic rituals and human sacrifices take place there, and that it was also a place to conspire for the rich and powerful.
There are photos of the ritual called “The Cremation of Care” taking place. The ritual is held the first night each year of the encampment and it is meant to “present symbolically the salvation of the trees.” The ritual theatrically performs a human sacrifice, but who knows if it is an act at all?

#4: The JFK Assassination
John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, by a man named Lee Harvey Oswald. Many people believe this man did not work alone, and that he was working for the CIA.
There are many reasons why theorists believe that JFK was assassinated by the CIA. According to the article “JFK Files Declassified: Five Conspiracy Theories Behind His Assassination,” JFK fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and refused to provide air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion. These two events would severely strain the relationship JFK had with the CIA.
The CIA denied any involvement, and it would soon be decided by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979 that the CIA was not involved. But it is known that the government likes to feed us a bunch of baloney, so who really knows?

#5: Project MK-Ultra
During the Cold War, the United States feared that communist governments were using mind control. This would lead to the beginning of Project MK-Ultra, started by the CIA. The project’s intentions were to experiment with drugs that would weaken the mind so that the CIA could force confessions out of enemies.
The program was far from humane, as the CIA would set up bases to conduct these experiments in other countries to avoid criminal prosecution. According to the article “The Cold War and Project MK-Ultra,” more than 150 human experiments took place using psychedelic drugs, paralytics, and electroshock therapy.
The CIA would soon be found guilty of funding and hosting Project MK-Ultra despite the efforts to destroy every trace of evidence. In 1977, a set of records containing 20,000 pages had been found. These records contain proof of the financing of Project MK-Ultra by the CIA. This is truly disturbing, and it really makes you wonder what else our government has done.
Conspiracy theories are interesting because they leave us guessing and wondering if they’re real, especially the ones with an overwhelming amount of evidence. Some are wacky and some are dark, but in the end, they all fit in the same boat of being a theory and only time will tell if they are true or just stem from our wild imaginations.