Journal Entry

Journal Entry

By L.M.

When I finished my book, I did my usual scrolling down of feeds on my phone. I have a bad habit of texting my friends after reading one the many romantic novels I have in my collection. I guess I prefer reading rather than seeing and experiencing, which I think that says a lot about my personality. The point is that I came across this journal entry page where they ask a daily question, and you write how you feel in your journal. The question was, “Why did you forgive them?” It took me a while to understand it. Did I really forgive them? I’m not one to apologize nor hold grudges; I just simply let it be. It’s unhealthy at the moment but it is all part of the process of forgiving and forgetting. It’s a habit that’s addicting, especially if you can’t forgive someone verbally. It’s typical to say meaningless apologies and claim forgiveness, but it takes nerve to do so when you’re only saying it to satisfy them. Just like anyone else I’ve had my problems, some of which took a tremendous toll on me while others didn’t. But looking back on those problems, I’ve imagined and hoped for so many things that were just to make the situation better, so I can feel better. So once again, I ask, “Why forgiveness?” Maybe because it was more of a lesson than a “meant to be” situation. Not everything stays with you as you start to grow up and leave things behind. We see our lifestyles as a cycle. What about reminiscing? It’s totally normal whether it’s good, embarrassing, funny, and even bad. Regretting is not in my handbook even though I would never want to live through and put myself in any of those positions again. Sometimes I wish things were different and I imagine where I would be now if they were to be different. Why did you forgive them? I did it for me not for them.