Students Transform into Flesh-Eating Zombies for Drama Club’s 2022 Fall Play

Kimberley Donis, Staff Writer

During the most frightening month of the year, the Brentwood High School Drama Club will be putting on their scariest performance yet: “Night of the Living Dead.” The chilling play is based on the horror movie of the same name written and directed by George Romero. Performances will take place on Friday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m.

The science fiction play imagines what would happen if a satellite probe covered in dangerous radiation returned to Earth and turned the unburied dead into a bunch of flesh-eating zombies. When seven humans hide in an abandoned farmhouse and discuss ways to survive, some turning on each other in the process, it becomes the ultimate showdown between human and zombie.

The leads for “Night of the Living Dead” are as follows: Arianna Ortiz (Barbara), Ebel Henrius (Johnny), Aidyn Mendoza (Ben), Landon Garrovillas (Harry Cooper), Michell Hernandez (Helen Cooper), Alycia Thomas (Karen Cooper), Pablo Guevara (Tom), and Arylssa Rosario (Judy).

The characters who will be performing alongside the stage and crew members are all passionate and talented Brentwood High School students. Throughout the audition process, the club advisors looked for responsible students who were passionate about the arts and their roles in the club.

“We look for dedication in students who are committed to making the club achieve its fullest potential,” said Marc Jackson, co-advisor of the club.

Students who are not extroverted performers but are still interested in becoming involved in theater can participate in any of these backstage positions: light board operator, sound board operator, music maestro, costume crew, prop crew, and sound crew.

There are also new officer positions that give students, who are willing to dedicate their time and effort, the opportunity to help the club grow.

Every year, the high school performs both a fall play and a spring musical to allow students to showcase their talents. This did stop for a bit due to the Coronavirus during 2020-2021 but students were able to return to the stage last year with their fall play “Almost, Maine” and their winter musical “The Adams Family.”

In previous years, the play and musical were run by separate people, which led to conflicting schedules that made it difficult for students to participate in both productions. But now, Drama teacher Rachel Ferzola is directing both performances to ensure that students have every opportunity to take part in various genres of theater – a play focused on spoken dialogue, and a musical replete with singing and dancing.

“As the director of both productions, I must schedule rehearsals and performances in such a way that I am able to produce both,” Ferzola said. “This opens opportunities for the students of BHS as they no longer must choose one production over the other.”

In between performances, there will still be plenty of opportunities for students to enhance their craft as performers. The club will offer students the option to participate in various activities, such as workshops and visiting theaters and colleges, that will help students gain experience in the world of theater and the performing arts.

Drama Club is not just a place where students learn and perform on or off stage. It’s a place to be vulnerable and be able to express yourself, connect with others based on similar passions, show your love and talents, and create a community and friendships that last a lifetime.

“It is so easy to feel lonely in modern society,” said Elizabeth Kennedy, co-advisor. “I hope that in the Drama Club and up on the stage, you realize that you are not alone, you matter and your performance, your presence, means so much”

With the variety of work that people can do, anyone can participate and become a part of the theater community and family. Ticket sale dates and prices have yet to be determined, but you can follow the drama club on Instagram @brentwoodhsperformingarts to receive updates