May 21, 2023
In cage of this freedom
I can’t fly anywhere
I have dreams
But I got scared
When I was in love
He cared about me
Now he makes me
Heartbroken & terrible in front of these human beings
I can’t have proper rights
That every girl wants
In history there was a girl
who was killed
Why do boys have so much independence
When we get abused, and
Why doesn’t anyone care?
Heer was a lover
Juliet was too
Why did they make such a bad impression?
Dhanbad, (Wealth) is bad for you
My parents grounded me
If I date someone
Why does my big sister get
married to her man?
That’s not fair
–my life
Every girl in this world may not have rights
Fateh is writing about girls
And listening while combing
Allah finding their sins
When I will die?