2024 Student Council Candidates

Read the profiles of candidates below to learn more about each of the Brentwood High School students running for positions on student council.
2024 Student Council Candidates
Student Council Co-President (1 Ross, 1 Sonderling)

Mia Borrayo, Ross

I would like to be an officer of the student government because I aim to be the voice for as well as represent the student body. I plan to promote a healthy and supportive community with intentions of aiding the academic success as well as the well being of the students, and maintain a positive learning environment. The qualities a student council co-president should have are strong communication skills, leadership abilities, organization, teamwork, and a genuine passion for serving their fellow students. It’s important to be approachable, listen to others’ ideas, and be able to effectively represent the student body and luckily I have them all. This opportunity will also allow me to further develop my own personal leadership skills for many positions in future endeavors beyond my school career, taking a personal commitment to respect the ideals carried out within the school council, and, contribute to the mental well-being of students and exhibit respect amongst others.


Genesis Canadas, Ross

l would love to be an officer of student government; with my experience and passion, l believe l am a great candidate for the position of student council co-president. l have helped in fundraising for my sports team for years, such as selling chocolate and helping run a community car washes. I currently hold the position of Treasurer for the junior class and participate in the Junior Chamber of Commerce, which meets to discuss essential issues of the day, such as selecting our new school mascot. l am very outgoing and enthusiastic and would love to ensure that our next school year will be one of the best, it’s important to me that all of Brentwood’s values are shown, such as the pride in our sports teams and clubs. Henny-thing is possible, so vote for Henny!


Mirline Merisier, Sonderling

I would like to be an officer of student government because I’m good at talking to people and working in teams. I like to organizing events and be a group leader, I really care about what the students think and I want make sure everyone’s voice is heard, I think I’d be a good student council co-president for our school.


Zohia Tahir, Sonderling

I am enthusiastic about serving as Co-President of Student Council because I thrive on representing my peers and fostering positive change within our school community. With a track record of leadership roles across various clubs and societies, including being Secretary of National Honor Society, as well as English Honor Society and Vice President of Interact Club, I have honed my organizational and communication skills. My involvement in initiatives like the D1 Youth Advisory Board and Step Program at Stonybrook College demonstrates my commitment to social and environmental causes, aligning with the Student Council’s mission to address student concerns and advocate for important issues. Additionally, my academic achievements, such as receiving an award from Legislator Sarah Anker, Winning NYIT Research grant twice, Winning Adelphi Quill Awards, Recognition from Islip Town Board, Leadership Award and multiple academic honors, showcase my dedication to excellence and responsibility. As Co-President, I aim to raise student voices, facilitate collaboration, and implement initiatives that enhance our school experience, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all.

Student Council Senior Executive (2 Ross, 2 Sonderling)

Gisselle Cruz, Ross

The position I am running for is Student Council Senior Executive for Ross. I am a good fit for this position because I am a student who commits their time to help my community, demonstrates courtesy and responsibility, and exhibits academic validation. I demonstrate leadership when it comes to guiding myself throughout my community and school. As a member of the Student Council since freshman year, my involvement has provided me with invaluable experience where I have participated in many events throughout the year.


Sophia Hernandez, Ross

Being a Brentwood student has taught me a myriad of valuable lessons about my community and my school. Having the position as Senior Executive would allow me to take the lessons of unity,respect, responsibility and not only display it to my fellow students but guide my peers into their future lives as we transition from high school to the adult world. As both an A.P. and honors student of Brentwood I have been taught the importance of dilligence, determination, dedication and integrity, values I not only uphold but intend to display as an example of the community of Brentwood.Our diverse community has also taught me the importance of understanding, communication and listening to those around me. With the position of senior executive as apart of student council I aim not only to guide the students around me but act as an example of the excellence,power and strength of Brentwood.


Anum Khokher, Sonderling

I would like to be an executive of student council senior class because I want to help out my school in any way possible. I have been a part of many clubs and programs such as girls inc., art club, interact club,honor society, and Suffolk county youth council program. In which I have the will and ability to handle this position. I really enjoy doing community service and have done many outside and inside of school whenever I get a chance.


Marcella Merino, Sonderling

Hello, my name is Marcella Merino and the reason why I would be an ideal candidate for the student council senior executive position is due to my involvement in school extracurricular activities such as the Spanish Honor Society and Medical Society. I love being an active participant in school while showcasing my dedication to both academic excellence and community service while balancing responsibilities effectively. My consistent achievement of honor roll every quarter underscores my commitment to academic success and leadership. My engagement within the school community not only brings out my organizational skills but also my ability to collaborate with diverse groups. My experience in these activities has helped me understand valuable insights and perspectives that enable me to advocate effectively for student interests and initiatives as a senior executive of the student council, while being apart of student council would also be a lovely experience!


Matthias Serrano, Sonderling

Hello everyone! My name is Matthias Serrano and I’m excited to run as your student council senior executive. During my time at BHS, I’ve noticed how vibrant and resilient our community is, factors that have contributed to our interconnectedness with one another. School events such as dances, spirit weeks and class tournaments are one of few times we are able to express our unity together as a school. It is my desire as senior executive to help promote this unity by increasing student participation within our school by spreading awareness about clubs and extracurriculars as well as creating a platform where students can voice their suggestions and ideas. I’ve dedicated myself to difficult classes such as AP Research and Statistics while also being apart of National Honor Society, Interact Club, and Green Machine to better my understanding of the struggle most students experience with balancing classes and demanding extracurriculars. I am also treasurer in both Science Olympiads and English Honor Society, positions that have taught me responsibility and leadership which I seek to bring in my role as senior executive. With your support I hope to bring change that will create a brighter and more inclusive future for our school, thank you.

Student Council Junior Executive (2 Ross, 2 Sonderling)

Joshua Ruiz, Ross

Hello BHS! My name is Joshua Ruiz, class of 2026, and I’m running for student council junior executive. The position of junior executive requires immense dedication and commitment in understanding and representing my peers, responsibilities that I’ve developed throughout my sophomore year. I’ve challenged myself with classes like AP Computer Science Principles and Chemistry Honors that have taught me how to deal with a large workload and to overcome the struggles I am presented with in life. Over the years I’ve also become increasing active in organizations like the Green Machine Marching Band and One O’Clock Jazz band, these groups have enabled me to give back to the community by performing for them, an opportunity I cherish for a town that has raised me all my life. I also occasionally tutor my fellow peers in subjects that I more easily understand and thrive in as I relate to those times in our lives when we needed more support and guidance from others in order to learn something. It is this guidance that I will bring as a junior executive by collaborating with my fellow officers to understand the interests of the student body and propose new changes that will reflect the needs and priorities of this school. Your vote for me is a vote for strident growth and I’m hopeful for your support in encouraging my endeavors, thank you Brentwood High School and let us continue to push forwards each day for a greater future.


Maham Farooq, Sonderling

As an active participant in various clubs and initiatives such as Student Council, Girls INC, Student Advocate, and more, I have developed a deep understanding of the needs and concerns of my fellow students. Serving as an officer in the student government would allow me to translate this understanding into action, advocating for positive change and representing the diverse voices within our school community. My involvement in leadership roles, such as being a North-well Scholars Mentor and a Town of Islip Unity Ambassador, has honed my communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for effective governance. Additionally, my commitment to extracurricular activities like tennis demonstrates my ability to balance responsibilities and manage time efficiently. With my passion for making a difference and my proven track record of leadership, I am eager to contribute to the student government and work towards creating a more inclusive and thriving school environment.

Senior Class Co-President (1 Ross, 1 Sonderling)

Jacelia Harris, Ross

As we get closer to senior year, I am looking forward to all the fun and excitement that comes with growing up and getting to the next chapters of our lives. Being able to have a part in that is something I’m extremely grateful to be considered for! I want to make senior year as fun as everyone dreams it to be!! I’m a part of athletes helping athletes, a club that talks to younger students in the middle schools about positive life choices by sharing our own personal stories. I am also the captain of the girl’s varsity winter/spring track teams as well as the girl’s cross country team. Since I’m already involved in the community and familiar with teamwork, making decisions with a large group of people, collaborating ideas and making compromises, I think I would be able to help make senior year as fun as we want it to be!!


Farah Alzafarani, Sonderling

I am eager to serve as Senior Class President because I am committed to making our school a better place for everyone. My experience as the President of the English Honor Society and Secretary of the Interact Club has given me with the leadership skills necessary for this role. These positions have taught me how to effectively organize events, manage projects, and lead teams. My ability to maintain excellent time management, my amazing organization, and strong social skills have been proven through my successful leadership in these clubs. As Senior Class President, I will utilize these abilities to enhance our school’s community, foster a collaborative environment, and ensure that all student voices are heard and valued. My dedication and proven leadership experience make me an ideal candidate to represent our student body and drive meaningful initiatives.


Ihtisham Farooq, Sonderling

Hi, my name is Ihtisham, I am excited to step up and represent our student body with energy, commitment, and a genuine desire to make a difference in our school community. I have been a part of the student government for two years as a sophomore executive board member and as junior class president. I have participated in school athletics and have been a student worker. I understand the struggles many students face. With this being said, I want to advocate for change, and I am willing to introduce new events and fundraisers to the senior class. Think affordable prom, unique events beyond the usual stuff (your ideas are welcome!), and killer school spirit – all while fundraising money. Plus, we’ll work together to make positive changes in our school and community. Let’s make this year one for the books! Vote for Ihtisham Farooq – Senior Class President!

Senior Class Executive Board Members (3 Ross, 3 Sonderling)

Amari Annahij, Ross

I have much love for my peers and my community and wish to continue strengthening and growing those connections and bonds. I wanna get to understand my community more and learn more about the differences and conflicts in my own community. I want people to understand voices, concerns, and differences are all valid and continue to have represent a respected community.


Sthefany Carvalho, Ross

As an upcoming senior, I am very eager to have the opportunity to run as an executive board member of the 2025 senior class. I’m greatly invested in making our final year of high school unforgettable and exciting for every single student. My impressive ability to listen empathetically and collaborate effectively equips me to represent the student voices and address their needs. I am willing to listen to my peers’ ideas and concerns, while also cooperating with fellow board members. My top qualifications for this position include efficient communication skills, organization, leadership along with teamwork that I have gained through extracurricular activities and academic achievements. From helping pick our prom theme to creating fundraisers to aid in scholarships, my dedication to promoting student welfare and school pride is the main priority. So as one of your executive board members, I will ensure that all voices be heard in making decisions for our senior year. I’m a plausible member to ensure that our students have a memorable year.


Michelle B. Castillo, Ross

This opportunity is a perfect chance for me to expand my support and interest to provide for our community. I am an astounding student who values her community, I believe I am a good candidate to be admitted to the student council because I am determined to over excel in helping others and my great representation towards the school. I can ensure that I’ll bring my creativity for future projects and my interest in making people aware of significant issues in our community, which represents my leadership skills. Balancing personal aspirations with academic expectations is something I understand well, I’ll be sure to ensure that my representations towards my peers will be to my full potential. If I get elected as a Senior Class Executive Board Member, I’ll be eager to make a positive impact on the student body. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I ask that you consider me as a board member.


Erika Chavez, Ross

I’d like to be an officer of student government because I have a strong desire to serve my classmates and make a great impact on our school community. My qualifications include strong communication skills, leadership experience in various clubs, and a proven ability to collaborate effectively with many groups. To improve student life, I think it’s important to promote inclusivity, pay attention to what students have to say, and put creative ideas into practice. As an officer in this club, I would strive to represent the interests of all students, promote academic and extracurricular opportunities, and work towards creating a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone. I believe that a supportive environment is very important for the well being of all the members. I’m dedicated, organized, and ready to work hard to make a meaningful difference in our school even if it means having to give up any of my free time to make sure this club runs smoothly and effectively.


Nica Fairweather, Ross

Joining student government presents a great opportunity for me to gain experience in working alongside other people to ensure the success of school activities. This year, I had the opportunity to discover myself and my passion for communication and advocacy. Being elected as Executive Board Member will allow for me to communicate with other people to advocate for the rest of our school and ensure the success of events. I have developed an interest in the field of law and this council will help me succeed and gain valuable skills and insight into working in groups to bring success onto a certain group or cause. In the past, I have been an Executive Board Member and I am currently secretary of Nubians United and English Honor Society. Because of my coordination and dedication to the success of this council, I believe my personal qualities and goals make me a viable candidate for student council as they have in other positions.


Sofia Lopez, Ross

I feel, there aren’t many people who actually feel represented and oppose the choices the school makes with events like homecoming or prom, these major events are impactful and important for many students in their senior years. As a student I’d like to be represented and take an active role in making such decisions, additionally, I’d like to input the opinions of various students I know, who don’t usually know about these decisive events. But that isn’t solely why I’d like to be an officer of student government; I’ve always enjoyed the general consensus and representation people get, and being a spokesperson for students of my class, would be a privilege to obtain. In clubs I participate in like debate, we must go back and forth and let our opponent have a say in a respectful manner, and this I feel is comparable to listening to the opinions of others.


Marlie Reno, Ross

As a member of 5 honor societies and several clubs including Mock Trial and SHPE, I have had the opportunity to interact with a wide range of this schools’s population. As an executive board member I would use this exposure to different student perspectives to serve my peers and represent their interests. Through the honor societies I am a part of I have gained experience in dealing with events that the school puts on and would use this experience to work with other members of the council on planning and managing events for the entire student body to enjoy. My participation as a member of the Mock Trial team has taught me collaboration and leadership skills that I would implement in my interactions with fellow council members to help events and other plans to be as productive and inclusive as possible. As seen through my participation in honor societies and the events held by them I value serving my community and through the position of executive board member I hope to continue doing so by serving the students of Brentwood High School.


Cynthia Ventura, Ross

Being elected as a Senior Class Executive Board Member is a privilege I am eager to pursue because it represents an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our final year as high schoolers. My goal is to enhance our collective experience, ensuring that everyone feels connected and valued. I understand the unique challenges and expectations that come with our last year of high school, and I am committed to addressing them with creativity and dedication. I plan to foster a more inclusive environment, organize memorable events, and facilitate better communication between students and faculty. Having been actively involved in various school activities, I have developed the leadership skills and understanding necessary to represent and voice the interests of our class effectively. Serving as a Board Member is not just about leadership. I am passionate about making our senior year unforgettable and believe that together, we can achieve remarkable things.


Jessica Gil, Sonderling

When first entering Brentwood High School, I knew these years would shape me as a student and a person. My siblings went to this school and would discuss the faults, but I want to step up and help change the school for the better. I would like to be an officer of student government, specifically a Senior Class Executive Board Memeber. I want to have a say in what my class does, and what we leave behind before we go off to college or begin our lives. I am qualified for this position as I have had experience with leadership positions. I am currently treasurer of Tri-M, which is the music honor society. While I am responsible for the important duty of counting the money, I do not fail in contributing wherever I can. I am always willing to help out the president or any other officers if needed.


Dave Lozano, Sonderling

I would like to receive the responsibility of an officer in student government because I because it gives me the opportunity to create change in this community that is Brentwood high school. Although one person could not possibly nor accurately decide on the behalf of a population as large as Brentwood’s, I believe that with two years I’ve attended this school and the numerous people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing, I can be optimal in representing them and others in student government. As for my qualifications, I’ve already engaged myself in a student government, the student council at the freshman center. I’ve also represented my qualities of leadership when me and my friend created a Ukraine relief in the freshmen center where we collected donations for refugees, and most recently my inauguration into National Honor Society.


Michael Martinez, Sonderling

The reason I am running for Senior executive board member is that I seek to assume a greater level of participation with the high school and become involved in helping improve the experience for the students who attend this school. A secondary motive for running for student council is to gain vital experience and knowledge that comes for role of helping run an organization, which could apply across different aspects of my life such as in the workplace. I believe I am sufficiently qualified for this position as executive board member as I have displayed my maturity and time management skills in juggling multiple AP classes with time for family, practicing the viola, and rest, with the addition of the responsibility that comes with this position not threatening the balance I currently have.

Junior Class Co-President (1 Ross, 1 Sonderling)

Stephanie Fuentes, Ross

Wanting to be a student council co-president stems from a deep-seated desire to contribute positively to the school community. It’s about more than just a title it’s about taking on a leadership role to represent the voices and interests of fellow students. As co-president, I aim to foster a more inclusive and vibrant school environment by initiating projects that address student needs and concerns. Collaboration is key I want to work closely with other council members, teachers, and administrators to implement ideas that enhance the overall student experience, such as organizing events, improving facilities, and promoting mental health awareness. By serving as co-president, I believe I can inspire my peers to actively participate in school activities, cultivate a sense of unity, and leave a lasting impact that extends beyond my time in office.


Jalline Guevara, Ross

Holding a position of leadership is more than just a position to me. To me, it’s a chance to advocate for the people who are counting on me to represent them correctly. If given the position of president of junior class, I will be sure to not leave anything unsaid, and to truly use my voice to fight for what the class of 2026 deserves. We are all entering the final years of our school career, and I want to make sure that we get all the opportunities and proper representation before we end one of the most important years of our time here at BHS. Actions speak louder than words, meaning what i have to bring to the table for this position is my proudest accomplishment of making Brentwood history by being the first student in the BUFSD to be nominated for a national conference on national affairs in North Carolina. I am also proudly a 1 out of 4 recipient of the comptroller award selected out of hundreds of students in the Brentwood Freshman Center. I am also currently a DECA officer, a ROTC cadet, and a member of the National Honor Society and Kitty Hawk Air society.


Olivia Harris, Ross

I would like to be an officer of student government because I always had a leadership role within the school and outside of school community. I’ve volunteered for many events in my previous leadership roles in student council and sophomore class such as running and organizing winter wonderland during my freshman year and putting in extra time after school to work on the sophomore class homecoming float etc. I’ve always excelled in life in my numerous honors and AP classes and I want to continue to work hard and push myself to achieve all of my goals in life. I’ve always been drawn to leadership and standing up to set an example, and my biggest example of this was going before all the building principles and superintendents and coordinators of the youth and government program to have it brought up on the high school level in which I was successful and gained leadership within that program as well. Leadership is something I’ve always been interested in and I would like to continue that next year as an officer for the student government.


Kayla Smith, Sonderling

I would like to pursue the role of junior class co-president and be apart of student government to help make change and be a positive influence , in the school community . Some leadership qualities i have for the role are perseverance, couth, determination and communication skills both offered in English and Spanish. I would also like to tend to my peers while still doing something impactful and great . Student government is something that I really love as the different aspects of things we do to make sure our school community is provided for and right .In the most ethical and moral ways possible . In the past I have acquired many leadership goals . While making sure all the tasks that I am expected and asked to do is getting done overall. While still giving my all in all and over the top work . I hope I meet the qualifications of the junior co- class president to help upbring student government and give all positive efforts that I have expressed to student government as well.

Junior Class Executive Board Members (3 Ross, 3 Sonderling)

Darling Hernandez, Sonderling

First of all, I would like to express that it’s an honor to have the opportunity to be apart of student government and help other students by either raising funds for events or helping organize them. I believe I qualify to be a part of student government because I have a great track record and I have everyone’s best interest at heart, I might not be the loudest but when it comes to helping someone I speak up. I have no problem helping others when I can. When it comes to organizing events, I can be a great use because I have helped organize events done by my church, and with these events I also had a chance to help the community by giving book bags and shoes just in time for school and as well as giving away clothes. I’m always glad to help this wonderful community.


Tania Landaverde, Sonderling

I’d like to be an officer of the student government. I’ve just started my high school years in the BHS, but I have grown, matured, and academically excelled during these past years. I’m keen with keeping up with my responsibilities, all while still accomplishing my schoolwork and meeting deadlines. I’m always available when necessary and will gladly help out if needed. I’d be delighted to contribute to the growth and future of the Brentwood Highschool Junior class.

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