Kane’s Message: Part Four


Tatyana Palomino, Staff Writer

I walked across the grass with my dad right behind me. I adjusted my cap as the wind blew through my gown. I sighed heavily as I covered my eyes from the sun. I can’t believe today is the day. I noticed the bleachers to my right, and that’s when I told my dad to go take a seat. He went ahead to find a seat and that’s when I felt someone jump on my shoulders. I almost fell on the floor; I hate Holloway sometimes.

“Kane!” He said as he hugged me. “Today is the day man! Have you prepared a speech for me?” I shoved him off of me and gave him a heavy glare. “Judging by your look, I guess not. You had all this time, how come you didn’t prepare?”

“I am prepared Holloway. Don’t worry about me.”

“Kane,” a different voice said. We turned around to see Ivan walk up with Travis right behind him. Ivan still had the same face from that day when I became the salutatorian. Holloway crossed his arms and stared at Ivan. “Don’t give me that face Holloway; I’m not here for you, I’m here for the salutatorian.”

“Are you here to still complain?” I asked mockingly. “If you want, you can go on stage as the salutatorian; I don’t care really.” Behind us, Kole, Kaiden, Shay and Paxton approached us and gave Ivan and Travis harsh stares. “Why are you here?” Ivan glared angrily at me, when suddenly he threw his right hand in front of me. I didn’t flinch, but he held it out for me to shake it. “What the hell is this?”

“Congratulations Kane,” he said softly. “Even though I acted arrogant that day, I think I learned something about myself. I learned that you can’t keep your spot if you don’t work hard for it, and this applies to my life too; I have to work hard to get to a point I want to be at.” Holloway looked at me as I sighed softly. I took Ivan’s hand and shook it.

“Thank you.” The moment we released our hands, Travis walked up towards me; I snickered at him. “You want a rematch?” He rolled his eyes, but chuckled to himself.

“You really did damage that day, but you taught me something too.” I looked at Holloway with an amused look and then back to Travis. “You taught me about true friends, and Xavier, Silvia and the others aren’t my true friends. Not only that, I realized that my words can’t protect me in the real world, only I can.” He put his hand in front for a handshake. “Thank you, Kane.” I was taken aback; I’m getting thanked by a guy I literally attacked during the day? I reached for his hand and shook it anyways. Travis and Ivan left while smiling at one another. I walked with Holloway and the others towards Miranda and all her friends. I looked ahead to see Xavier and all his friends.

“Even though we’re graduating, I’m still going to make amends with those idiots.” Kole looked at me, where I clenched my fists. He smiled lightly and grabbed my shoulder. “I don’t understand this school anymore.” Miranda looked at me and noticed that I was staring at Xavier.

“Kane,” she said walking up to me. “Forget about him. Once we get our diplomas, he’ll be history. Hopefully more history than our presidents.” I looked at her and saw that behind her small smile, there was a lot of pain. I sighed softly. Once we get our diplomas, I only had one thing left to do.

“You, really cared about him right?” I asked. Miranda’s face immediately transitioned to sadness. Man, I shouldn’t have asked. “I’m sorry…”

“It’s fine. I’ll get over him, and you’re right, maybe I’ll find someone who’ll like me for me.” I smiled at her. I noticed Marie and Eliza staring at me for a good amount of time. I decided to walk over to them.

“Are you guys trying to set me on fire? What’s up with the heavy glares?” Eliza crossed her arms. “Well, someone’s not happy to graduate.”

“Why’re you so cocky, Kane?” Eliza asked throwing her arms down against her body. “I get that you don’t like us, but stop acting so arrogant towards us.” I snickered at her comment.

“Arrogant,” I said rubbing my nose. “If you want to find someone like that, go to that idiot over there.” I pointed at Xavier, who watched the entire time. He had a livid look across his face, while I smirked at him with amusement. “Uh oh, I think I hurt his little feelings.” I started chuckling, and Marie looked at Xavier.

“You know what’s so bizarre?” she asked rhetorically in a calm voice. “He’s so annoying, but he doesn’t talk that much.” I stopped chuckling and grew amazed by that comment. “I don’t know, I can talk to him, but I’ve never liked him as a person so much. I don’t understand what Miranda saw in him.”

“Me and you both, Marie.” Xavier continued to stare at us, but we ended up ignoring him. “Anyways, I wish you two luck in the real world.”

“Kane, even though you were cruel to me, I think I realized something,” Marie said. “I am positive, and that’s not a bad thing, but you’re right, I can be judgmental. I’m glad you told me that because now I can better myself and become someone who I would want to be friends with.” My eyes widened slightly as Marie smiled at me. Eliza looked up at me with heavy eyes.

“Okay, maybe I am a little dependent on people,” Eliza said dropping her arms forward. “It’s not my fault though, but I know I can be independent in life. Listen Kane, you’re really harsh and I feel like you have no sense of sympathy for anyone, but with that attitude, I don’t see anyone ever taking over your life. Thanks for giving me advice on how to be a better person.” I don’t understand people these days, but Eliza and Marie seemed okay with me. Before I knew it, they left and the moment I turned around, I saw Xavier and all his friends standing right before me. Xavier had his arms crossed and he held his cap in his right hand. Summer, Sonia and Silvia were right behind him. I noticed Travis and Ivan behind all of them, and some other people I didn’t know or care about.

“You know, everyone standing behind you is taller than you’ll ever be,” I said with a smirk across my face. He dropped his hands against his side and clenched his fists. “What do you want, Xavier?”

“You’ve messed with everyone standing behind me, including myself,” he said pointing to himself. “What the hell do you have against me and my friends?” I cleared my throat.

“You guys suck, that’s pretty much it. You guys are arrogant, selfish, and spineless and think you’re superior to everyone else. Especially you Xavier, just because you have humor, doesn’t mean you’re a good person. A friend of mine told me that you stand aside and watch with amusement, no different than when I kicked Travis’ ass. You act like you’re untouchable,” I raised my left hand in front of me and clenched it. “But, I’ll prove that theory wrong right now.”

“Stop acting so tough, I’ll take you on right here, right now!” The people around us grew silent when he yelled that. I looked down at him and scoffed. “Don’t look down at me.”

“You’re shorter than me-”

“By like three inches! I’ll beat your ass in front of all these people; I’ll leave your mother in tears when she finds you.” My eyes widened and my glare transitioned to rage. “I can’t believe she raised you this way…” Miranda noticed us and once she saw the look on my face, she ran towards us. I grabbed Xavier by his gown violently and that’s when I felt someone grab my hands. Everyone who stood behind Xavier said nothing, but all of my friends hurried over to us. Miranda looked at me as she tried to remove my hands from Xavier’s gown.

“Kane, let him go, it’s not worth it,” she said struggling to remove my hands. Holloway and Kole grabbed onto my back and told me to let him go. Miranda gave Xavier a heavy stare.

“What did you say to him?”

“It doesn’t concern you,” he said looking at me. “He came after my friends, so I’m coming after him.”

“If you go after Kane, you have to go through me, Xavier,” she snapped. His eyes widened and that’s when Holloway and Kole pulled me away from Xavier. “You have to go through all of us…” Holloway and Kole nodded to what she said. Even Kaiden, Paxton, and Shay agreed with her.

“It’s already bad that we all hate you,” Holloway said putting his hands in front of him. “But, don’t give us a reason to hurt you.”

“I want a good reason,” Paxton said crossing his arms. “You’ve been getting on our nerves all these years in high school. I suggest you and your stupid friends leave, unless you want a rumble.” Xavier stared at me with defeat, but I was too consumed with anger right now to understand what was happening around me. Xavier left with all his friends and everyone stared at me. “Kane, you good?”

“That worthless thing mentioned my mother…” I said looking down. “Insult me in every possible way, but never talk about my family, or my friends.” Everyone smiled at me and the boys grabbed onto my back. “You guys are so annoying.” Everyone started laughing and it was time to take our seats.

I got called to the stage along with everyone else from the top ten. Ivan sat next to me and it was awkward for the most part. Summer glared at me, but I didn’t pay her any mind. The valedictorian went up and spoke, while I sat back and waited patiently. About five minutes passed when she finished and I knew right there that it was my turn. I got called up and that’s when I felt my chest grow heavy. Miranda, Holloway and the others started cheering loudly for me, which oddly embarrassed me.

“Please excuse my loud and annoying friends,” I said while blushing. Everyone started laughing. My dad sat on the bleachers and smiled brightly at me. “Now, I’m going to be honest; I became the salutatorian because this guy behind me slacked off.” I pointed at Ivan, who covered his face. Most of the people in the crowd didn’t like how I spoke, but honestly, did their opinion matter? My dad still smiled at me, so I knew what I said was okay. “That just goes to show you, that you can never take a break in this world, because someone will always be waiting right behind you to take your spot. Whether it’s for work, school or anything, never take a break in this world.” Holloway crossed his arms and smiled at me just like my dad did. Xavier glared at me, along with the rest of his friends. “So, I was asked just a few moments ago what I want to be when I leave this school. Easy; I want to be a musician. I love music more than half the people in this school.” I noticed people in the bleachers whispering to one another, and some of them gave me doubtful looks.


“You know what I hate about people Kane?” Miranda asked while I was studying for a math exam. I raised my head and gave her my full attention. “I hate the looks they give me when I tell them I want to become a writer. The looks they give me, will never be the same to those who want to become doctors or lawyers.”

“It’s always us,” I said. “People think musicians and writers can’t make it, not just us, but artists too. Basically, anything other than medical or law. I know how you feel Miranda.”


My eyes widened and that’s when I clenched my fists and bashed it hard on the podium. Everyone stared at me with concern, except for my dad, who looked happier.

“Just because I’m not going to be a doctor, that’s doesn’t mean I’m not going to be successful.” A lot of people in the crowd grew quiet. “Yeah, I knew you guys were doubting me. Anyone in this world can be anything they want, so let them be! I don’t need people telling me what I have to be.” After a pause of silence, the crowd gradually started clapping. “Aside from that,” the applause died down. “I’ve been asked before, ‘how did you get to where you are now?’ I usually give them a heavy stare before I sigh heavily. Now, that’s not always an easy answer.” I removed my cap from my head. “I just studied, but I gave myself a social life. I’ve met people who’ve dedicated themselves to school, but burdened themselves with having no friends. That’s not what it means to be a human, that’s something I believe is insane. We need communication, we need to be surrounded by people because that’s what helps us grow as people.” I looked at Miranda, who smiled brightly at me, that’s when I scoffed. “However, not everyone in this world is good.” Xavier’s eyes widened. “I’ve come across not one, but many people in this school, who’ve been nothing but trouble for me. They’ve annoyed me, insulted my friends, and even though I’m the salutatorian, I’ve assaulted one of them.” Many people in the bleachers gasped, and that’s when my dad finally changed his visage to concern. “Yeah, but I had a reason to do so.” Travis looked down when I faced him. “No one is perfect, and I can understand that, but don’t act rude to others, especially when they haven’t done anything to you. Hey, I’m not perfect,” I started laughing. “I’m probably the cruelest person in this school, but I’m honest. Sure, I’m blunt to people when they ask a question, but I’m reliable to them. I was raised to only respect those who respect me, and to never abide by their rules. The only way to become successful in life, is to break a few rules in life. The real world is not about rules, but about the choices you make, and it was my choice to share this story with all of you.” Everyone started cheering and clapping loudly, so loud that it amplified throughout the sky. I put my cap back on and turned around. I saw everyone from the top ten, except for Xavier and Summer, clap for me. My dad, even though he was one man, clapped the loudest that even I heard it from where I stood. I exhaled shakily and took my seat. Time passed before we were all called up and given our diplomas. Once I got my diploma, something heavy was finally lifted off my shoulders. The caps were thrown high into the air before I knew it and there was cheering everywhere. I hurried off the stage while holding my diploma and ran over to my friends.

“We are officially in the real world!” Holloway screamed while throwing his arms around me. “Oh no, now I have to pay bills!” He exclaimed in horror. I started laughing loudly along with everyone else. “It’s not funny!” I looked ahead to see my dad walking towards me. I pushed Holloway gently and walked over to him, where I saw that he was crying.

“I’m so proud of you Kane,” he said. He held open his arms, but I didn’t walk up to him. “What’s wrong, Kane?”

“I don’t want to hug you, because if I do, that means I won’t see you as much anymore,” I said with slight fear. He smiled at me and started laughing.

“Kane, you sound just like your mother. She was always scared of change, but did it without hesitation. She would’ve been proud of you; Levi too.” My dad hugged me tightly and I finally hugged him back. He let me go and noticed all my friends behind me. “You have wonderful friends, so don’t ever let them go Kane.” I nodded.

“I never intend to.” Suddenly, I felt someone gently touch the center of my back. I turned around quickly to see no one behind me. “What the hell?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I swear someone touched my back, but there’s no one-” I abruptly stopped speaking and grew amazed. “No way…” My dad smiled and already knew what was happening. He began to walk away.

“I’ll leave you and your mom to talk.” He left and I was all alone; I smiled nervously.

“Mom, I’m going to be honest, I’m nervous. I can’t imagine myself in the real world, but I can see myself as a musician. Even though this school taught me a lot about myself, I’m going to be honest when I say I really don’t care what happens to some people.”

“Wow, you’re talking to yourself, that’s really sad.” I furrowed my eyes brows and turned around to see Xavier by himself. However, his friends were not too far behind. “I almost feel bad for you-”

“Shut up; I can see that your friends really care about you, they sure kept their distance.”

“This is between you and me-”

“A real man would’ve came alone, not with a bunch of annoying girls sniffing his air. You seriously have no backbone, you couldn’t protect yourself even if you wanted to.” He grew annoyed. “Anyways, stay out of my business with who I talk to.”

“Well, whoever you were talking to probably doesn’t care about what you have to say.” Without hesitation, I grabbed onto Xavier’s gown once more, but this time I pulled him towards me and punched him across the face. He fell back and his friends ran over to him. I shook my left fist and made sure it was okay.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. By the way, I hope everything goes well for you in your future-”

“Go to hell!” He screamed in anger. I walked away from him, but felt so satisfied; I’ve wanted to hit that idiot for years now. I walked over to Miranda, who was talking to Kole. I exhaled shakily and smiled to myself as I walked over to them.

“Kane,” Miranda said. “I can’t believe we’re in the real world now.” I looked at Kole and motioned my head for him to leave. It took him a few seconds to catch on, but he left and it was just Miranda and I. “Why did Kole leave?”

“He had to go do something.” Miranda stared at me and I sighed softly. “Miranda, there’s something I have to tell you.” I avoided making eye contact with her. “Well, two things actually, one is bad and the other is, well it depends on how you take it.” She said nothing and I knew I was about to get clobbered by her in a few seconds. “I found out something about Xavier, and it was a few months ago. It turned out that he ended up catching some small feelings for you.” Miranda’s eyes widened and I looked down with guilt.


“I notice that you two are always together,” Xavier said bitterly. “Is there something I should know about?” I gave him a face and questioned why he thought he had some type of power over me.

“My friendship with Miranda has nothing to do with you. I’m not down your throat about you or your stupid friends.” He sighed of relief, which made me raise my eyebrow. “Why are you so relieved?”

“No particular reason; I’m just happy to hear that you guys are friends and just friends.”

“You got to be kidding me,” I said while pinching my forehead. “You have feelings for her don’t you?”

“I never said that-”

“You didn’t have to, you just said everything I needed to hear.” I grabbed my head and exhaled forcefully through my nose. “For how long?” He grew embarrassed, but I was irritated.

“Alright, I’ve liked her for a few months now. It’s just that, she’s changed a lot since I’ve first met her and she looks different. She’s not an immature teenager anymore, she’s blossomed into a young woman.”


“That day was probably one of the worst days of my life,” I said. I looked at Miranda and waited patiently for her to send me to the hospital, but she just smiled and blushed. Right there, I felt my heart drop. “You’re not going to go to him right?”

“I’m so happy,” she said while giggling. I felt my eyes widened and looked ahead to see Xavier staring at me. No way, am I scared of this idiot now? He held onto his right cheek and I saw his mom walk over to him. “I can’t be with him though.”

“What?” I exclaimed in dismay. “But, you liked him for years. You cried for that idiot so many times and now you don’t want him anymore?”

“I did love him, but the way he is now; I can’t be with him. He can’t make me happy.” I felt so relieved, but I felt bad.

“I’m sorry I never told you. I was afraid that if I told you at that time, you and Xavier would’ve ended up together. I didn’t want him to hurt you anymore, but I think I was being selfish at that time.”

“You may be right, Kane, but I’m glad you didn’t tell me because I would’ve regretted being with him.”

“There’s another thing I have to tell you.” Miranda grew quiet and that’s when I saw Holloway and Kole watching us. Kole gave me a thumbs up and nodded, which made me exhale shakily. “I’ve avoided relationships my whole life because I always believed they would bring me down and ruin me. However, I told myself that once I got my diploma, I should do whatever I needed to do. I already punched Xavier, so that’s one thing off my list. My second thing is tell people how I feel about them.” I turned around and saw Xavier and all his friends staring at me still, which irritated me. “I hope I never see you idiots ever again!” I screamed while cupping my hands over my mouth. They all looked offended, which made Holloway and Kole laugh. “I hate you all with every single inch of my body, especially you, Xavier!” He scoffed and ignored me, where his mom gave me a livid look. I smiled at her and turned back to Miranda. “I’ve been in love with you since I first met you in the music hallway.” Miranda covered her mouth and took a step back. I can’t explain what I’m feeling, but my chest hurts a lot. “The reason why I always hated Xavier is because he had something I always wanted, and that was your love. Well, aside from that he sucks as a human being, but my point is…” I exhaled shakily again. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.” I dropped my shoulders and felt my body grow heavy. Miranda slowly removed her hands from her mouth and stared at me blankly. While I stood there, I felt someone grab onto my left hand, but there was no one there again. Someone gently touched my back again, but I took the embrace this time and smiled.

“Do you know why I stopped liking Xavier?” she suddenly asked. I didn’t answer her. She smiled and shook her head. “It’s because I found someone better than him, someone who’s always been there for me since I first met him in the music wing.” I stared at her blankly.

“You like someone else?”

“She means you, you idiot! Oh my God,” Kole said while covering his face. “I hate you so much right now.”

“He’s right, Kane. The reason I stopped liking Xavier is because I realized you were better than him.” The emotion I felt when she told me that was indescribable.


It was summer and I left my house and headed to my car. The moment I opened the door, my dad called me from the front door.

“Kane, where are you going?” he asked.

“I’m going to visit mom and Levi; I have to tell them something.”

“Is it okay if I come?”

“If you want.” My dad closed the door behind him and we hopped in the car and drove off. “No flowers this time?”

“Not today, maybe for Levi’s birthday next week. Anyways Kane, what do you have to tell mom and Levi?”

“I want to tell mom that I’m with the love of my life and I want to tell Levi to watch over his big brother before he goes to college.” My dad smiled at me warmly and said, “Okay.”