New Science Electives on the Market

Victoria Lorenzi

A science lab is set and ready for students

Corianna Jackson and Victoria Lorenzi

Who wouldn’t love more science electives? Currently, the science classes offered at BHS are Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Forensics, Unified Science, Human Anatomy and Physiology. Most students have taken at least three of these courses in their first few years of high school, limiting options for their senior year. Our newly appointed Head of the Science Department, Mrs. Costa, wants to change that by offering more electives to keep students engaged in science. She was able to sit down and list some of the new options students will be able to take part in. They are as follows: Astronomy, Weather, Marine Biology, and Oceanography.

Astronomy is the study of stars. For all the stargazers out there, this class will give you the opportunity to look at stars more in depth. Students will study the formation of black holes and quasars, and learn the latest theories of cosmology. Students should sign up for this course if they have an interest in what lies beyond the earth’s surface.

The Weather elective will allow students to immerse themselves into the study of weather patterns and climate change, a pressing issue of our time. By the end of the course, students will learn how weather is predicted, and gain new knowledge about the clouds above them.

Marine Biology is the study of ocean life. Through the oceanography part of the course, students will learn about water chemistry, ocean floor geology, waves and the tides. This class will provide many field trip opportunities to observe marine life up close and personal.

The science department would love to hear your feedback on these future elective ideas and new ones of your own. If you have an idea for a science elective, comment on our website! Don’t forget to answer our poll on the homepage of the Pow Wow website to show your interest in the development of these electives into the upcoming years.