Student Council Defends Decisions

Savannah Garces and Ashley Alcantara

Spirit week is an amazing week at school, as it demonstrates the pride that students have for Brentwood. Spirit week took a new turn of events when a senior created an alternative spirit week this year. This senior was inspired to create an alternative spirit week since weekdays had been reduced as a result of the monthly schedule layout. 

With the emergence of this new spirit week, the student body and staff were taken aback by the challenges that it posed to the traditional number of themed days. Arguments concerning why student council chose a 3-day week instead of a 5-day week emerged as student council made this executive decision. 

Spirit week is always held on the week leading up to Homecoming. Because of this, the question remains: why didn’t student council move homecoming to the Friday of a full week if the school has kept this tradition for the past few years?  Unfortunately, student council doesn’t get to make this final decision, as the school administration has the upper hand.  

The meeting where students get to decide on the themes for each day of spirit week revealed an interesting dilemma, as one of the senior’s themes, gender-swap day, was not permitted. If student council went against the school’s regulation against controversial themes such as gender-swap day, staff and teachers would be penalized. 

At the end of the day, student pride represents the love and passion that students have for their school through the events that are held. However, as with any organized eventrestrictions are inevitable. Overall, student council works as hard as they can with what they are given to organize the events that both the student body and staff can enjoy.